The Shattered Chandelier on Amazon

Lillian wrote The Shattered Chandelier as a challenge to herself, the idea was to write the first draft of a novella in one month. She achieved this and decided she like the story and characters so much she reworked the novella fleshing out the characters and setting more.

After some time gathering electrons on a hard-drive, she has decided to let Ecksmark Media publish the book. Now she plans on writing more books in that world after the two sequels to The Chattered Chandelier.

The Shattered Chandelier (Broken Things Book 1)
by Lillian Blackwood

The Shattered Chandelier CoverNatasha has just moved to Toronto, into an apartment owned by a werepanther. This might not have been a smart move?

As she was hoping for a fresh start, and a quieter, more uneventful life. So maybe it had been a bad idea to steal a rather large magic mirror, from and ancient and powerful vampire, back in Europe?

Even Lina, her new work colleague, was desperate for Natasha to meet Daniel, her supposed vampire boyfriend.

A serial killer is stalking the night, and there really might be a phantom at the opera!

  • Paperback: 146 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1520390998
  • ISBN-13: 978-1520390994
  • Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 0.9 x 22.9 cm

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